Carvel Based Installation

Of the two methods available for installing Educates into an existing Kubernetes cluster, the instructions below pertain to installing Educates via the Carvel kapp-controller operator pre-installed into a Kubernetes cluster. The instructions assume you have already prepared a suitable configuration file.

Carvel command line tools

The Carvel project provides a set of command line tools you can run locally, as well as a number of operators for installation in to Kubernetes clusters for package and secrets management.

In order to install Educates, you do not actually need to have the Carvel tools installed locally, but if you are interested in what they can do for you, see the Carvel project web site.

Installing kapp-controller

To install Educates into a Kubernetes cluster using the Carvel packaging system requires that kapp-controller from Carvel be installed into the Kubernetes cluster.

If you are using a Kubernetes cluster created using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) or Tanzu Mission Control (TMC), it will come preinstalled with kapp-controller and you do not need to install kapp-controller yourself.

If you do need to install kapp-controller, further information can be found at:

In most circumstances all you should need to do is run:

kubectl deploy -f

Installer service account